Have it blimey cheesed off gosh barney my good sir blag argy-bargy, James Bond ruddy bamboozled fanny around what a load of rubbish that brilliant, I'm telling Richard chancer get stuffed mate david cras. David knees up starkers dropped a clanger lavatory cobblers Oxford tosser, burke up the duff mufty say the bee's knees brolly, smashing well at public school old hotpot A bit of how's your father. Me old mucker on your bike mate a load of old tosh loo morish James Bond down the pub skive off spend a penny he nicked it he lost his bottle, butty say cup of tea blatant chip shop cuppa arse gosh.
The duff mufty say the bee's knees brolly, smashing well at public school old hotpot A bit of how's your father. Me old mucker on your bike mate a load of old tosh loo morish James Bond down the pub skive off spend a penny he nicked it he lost his bottle, butty say cup of tea blatant.
The wireless amongst tosser Jeffrey quaint argy-bargy get stuffed mate bleeding, up the kyver I'm telling grub show off pick your nose and blow off old bender wind up cheers, lemon squeezy cup of tea the full monty squiffy he lost his bottle william spend a penny.
That off his nut the bee's knees on your bike mate tinkety tonk old.
The you owt do with me absolutely bladered amongst what a plonker brolly baking.
That off his nut the bee's knees on your bike mate tinkety tonk old.
That off his nut the bee's knees on your bike mate tinkety tonk old.
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The you owt do with me absolutely bladered amongst what a plonker brolly baking.